IP/ASTM Glass Thermometers


IP/ASTM Standard Thermometer, Brand – ALLA

  • Manufactured to comply to IP or ASTM Standard, Made in France
IP/ASTM Range/*C Application Length (mm) Immersion
IP 1C/5C -38 to+50×1.0 Cloud & Pour 230/108
IP 20 / 6C -80 to+20×1.0 Low Cloud & Pour 230/76
IP 3C 1 to+105×0.5 Demulsification 265/Total
IP 4C 4 to+360×2.0 Crude Oil Distillation 310/Total
IP 5C/7C -2 to+300×1.0 Low Distillation 385/Total
IP 6C/8C -2 to+400×1.0 High Distillation 385/Total
IP 8C Oto+45×0.2 Flushing Case Low 340/65
IP 9C +40 to+85×0.2 Flushing Case Medium 340/65
IP 14C/114C -80 to+20×0.5 Aviation Fuel Freezing Point 300/Total
IP 15C/90 to+110×0.5 Low Pensky-Martens 290/57
IP 16C/10C +90 to+370×2.0 High Penskey-Martens 290/57
IP 17C/14C +38 to+82×0.1 Wax Melting Point 375/79
IP 18C/54C +20 to+100.6×0.2 Congealing Point 310/Total
IP 20C/33C -38 to+42×0.2 Low Aniline Point 420/50
IP 21C/34C +25 to+105×0.2 Medium Aniline Point 420/50
IP 22C +195 to+205×0.1 Oxidation 300/100
IP 23C/ 18C +34 to+42×0.1 Reid Vapour Pressure 275/Total
IP 24C/22C +95 to+103×0.1 Oxidation Stability 275/Total
IP 28C/11C 6 to+400×2.0 Cleveland Open Flash 310/25
IP 29C/44C +18.6 to+21.4×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ 20C 305/Total
IP 30C/45C +23.6 to+26.4×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ 25C 305/Total
IP 31C/28C +36.6 to+39,4×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ 37.8C 305/Total
IP 32C/121C +98.6to+101.4×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ 98.8C 305/Total
IP 33C/128C -1.4 to+1.4×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ OC 305/Total
IP 34C/29C +52.6 to+56.5×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ 54.4C 305/Total
IP 35C/47C +58.6 to+61.4×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ 60C 305/Total
IP 36C/129C +91.6 to+94.4×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ 93.3C 305/Total
IP 37C/134C +144 to+156×0.2 Sludge 270/100
IP 38C +23 to+27×0.1 Pen 260/Total
IP 39C 1 to+38×0.1 Density 440/Total
IP 40C +20 to+120×1.0 Drop Point Low 250/100
IP 41C +100 to+230×1.0 Drop Point High 250/100
IP 42C -38 to+30×0.5 Breaking Point 370/250
IP 43C +10 to+110×0.5 FP Cut-Back (Int) 305/61
IP 44C +15 to+121×0.5 FP Cut-Back (Ext) 305/89
IP 45C +15 to+30×0.2 Refractometer 160/22
IP 46C +14.5 to+21×0.1 Westphal Balance 160/Total
IP 47C/13C +115 to+170×0.5 Loss on Heat 155/Total
IP 48C -38 to+30×0.5 Tank Low 310/Total
IP 49C -15 to+40×0.5 Tank Medium 310/Total
IP 50C +10 to+65×0.5 Tank High 310/Total


  • Manufactured to comply to IP or ASTM Standard, Made in France
IP/ASTM Range/°C Application Length (mm) Immersion
IP 51C +35 to+120×0.5 Tank Heated Fuel 310/Total
IP 52C +90 to+260×1.0 Tank Bitumen 310/Total
IP 53C to+80×0.5 Tank Cargo 310/Total
IP 59C/35C +90 to+170×0.2 High Aniline Point 420/50
IP 60C/15C -2 to+80×0.2 Low Softening Point 395/Total
IP 61C/16C +30 to+200×0.5 High Softening Point 395/Total
IP 62C/2C 5 to+300×1.0 Partial Immersion 390/76
IP 63C/61C +32 to+127×0.2 Petrolatum Melting Point 380/79
IP 64C/12C 20 to+102×0.2 Density Wide Range 420/Total
IP 65C/43C -51.6 to-34×0.1 Kinematic Viscosity Low 417/Total
IP 66C/46C +48.6 to+51.4×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ 50C 305/Total
IP 67C/72C -19.4 to-16.6×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity -17.8C 305/Total
IP 68C/73C -41.4 to-38.6×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity e -40C 305/Total
IP 69C/74C 55.4 to-52.6×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity -53.9C 305/Total
IP 71C/126C -27.4 to+24.6×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity -26.1C 305/Total
IP 72C/71C 37 to+21×0.5 Oil in Wax 355/76
IP 73C/3C 5 to+400×1.0 Partial Immersion 415/76
IP 74C -35 to+70×0.5 Abel Oil Cup Wide Range 310/76
IP 75C -30 to+80×0.5 Abel Water Bath Wide Range 310/61
IP 76C +10 to+55×0.5 Engler Viscosity 240/89
IP 77C/37C 2 to+52×0.2 Solvents Distillation 395/93
IP 78C/38C +24 to+78×0.2 Solvents Distillation 395/100
IP 79C/39C +48 to+102×0.2 Solvents Distillation 395/100
IP 80C/40C +72 to+126×0.2 Solvents Distillation 395/100
IP 81C/41C +98 to+152×0.2 Solvents Distillation 395/100
IP 82C/42C +95 to+255×0.5 Solvents Distillation 395/100
IP 83C/102C +123 to+177×0.2 Solvents Distillation 395/100
IP 84C/103C +148 to+202×0.2 Solvents Distillation 395/100
IP 85C/104C +173 to+227×0.2 Solvents Distillation 395/100
IP 86C/105C +198 to+252×0.2 Solvents Distillation 395/100
IP 87C/106C +223 to+277×0.2 Solvents Distillation 395/100
IP 88C/107C +248 to+302×0.2 Solvents Distillation 395/100
IP 89C/113C 1 to+175×0.5 Softening Point Wide Range 405/Total
IP 90C/48C +80.6 to+83.4×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ 82.2C 305/Total
IP91C 0 to 110×1 Rapid Flash 198/44
IP 92C/120C +38.6 to+41.4×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ 40C 305/Total
IP 93C/110C +133.6to+136.4×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ 135C 305/Total
IP 94C/122C -45 to-35×0.1 Brookfied Viscosity 300/Total
IP 95C/123C -35 to-25×0.1 Brookfied Viscosity 300/Total
IP 96C/124C -25 to-15×0.1 Brookfied Viscosity 300/Total
IP 97C/125C -15 to-5×0.1 Brookfied Viscosity 300/Total
P 99C / 127C -21.4 to-18.6×0.05 Kinematic Viscosity @ -20C 305/Total
IP 101C +20 to+150X1.0 Medium Pensky-Martens 290/57