Liquid Handling: Laboratory Syringes


Bottle-Top Dispenser, Calibrex®

  • Without reservoir, complete adapters.
  • Superior chemical resistance.
  • Autoclavable at 121°C.
Without Needle
SocorexESC-520.0020.25 - 2GLP 28,32,40&45
SocorexESC-520.0051 - 5GLP 28,32,40&45
SocorexESC-520.0101 - 10GLP 28,32,40&45
SocorexESC-530.0252.5 - 25GLP 32,38,40&45
SocorexESC-530.0505 - 50GLP 32,38,40&45
SocorexESC-530.10010 - 100GLP 32,38,40&45
With Needle No 21G
Terumo PPD-SS01T21G1100
Terumo PPD-SS03L21G3100
Terumo PPD-SS05L21G5100
Terumo PPD-SS10L21G10100
Terumo PPD-SS20L21G2050
Terumo PPD-SS50LE21G5020
Needle Only, Disposable
Terumo PPD-NN1838R (No. 18G x 1½") 100
Terumo PPD-NN1938R (No. 19G x 1½")100
Terumo PPD-NN2038R (No. 20G x 1½")100
Terumo PPD-NN2138R (No. 21G x 1½")100
Terumo PPD-NN2338R (No. 23G x 1½")100
Terumo PPD-NN2516R (No. 25G x 5/8")100


Plastic Syringes, Luer Lock, Sterile, Single Use

  • Excellent fitting and liquid tightness (not gas-tight) and sterilization up to 160°C.
  • Cannulas/Needles for metal Luer nozzles: Refer to ESC-370./ESC-371. (Under Dosys
Without Needle
Terumo PPD-SS01T1100
Terumo PPD-SS03L3100
Terumo PPD-SS05L5100
Terumo PPD-SS10L10100
Terumo PPD-SS20L2050
Terumo PPD-SS50LE5020
With Needle No 21G
Terumo PPD-SS01T21G1100
Terumo PPD-SS03L21G3100
Terumo PPD-SS05L21G5100
Terumo PPD-SS10L21G10100
Terumo PPD-SS20L21G2050
Terumo PPD-SS50LE21G5020
Needle Only, Disposable
Terumo PPD-NN1838R (No. 18G x 1½") 100
Terumo PPD-NN1938R (No. 19G x 1½")100
Terumo PPD-NN2038R (No. 20G x 1½")100
Terumo PPD-NN2138R (No. 21G x 1½")100
Terumo PPD-NN2338R (No. 23G x 1½")100
Terumo PPD-NN2516R (No. 25G x 5/8")100


Glass Syringes, Reusable, Borosilicate Glass

  • Excellent fitting and liquid tightness (not gas-tight) and sterilization up to 160°C.
  • Cannulas/Needles for metal Luer nozzles: Refer to ESC-370./ESC-371. (Under Dosys
Glass Luer Nozzles
SocorexESC-155.03010.1 - 10.053
SocorexESC-155.03050.2 - 50.203
SocorexESC-155.03101 - 100.203
SocorexESC-155.0310010 - 100101
SocorexESC-155.03201 - 2012
SocorexESC-155.0330 11 - 3022
Metal Luer Nozzles
SocorexESC-155.05010.1 - 10.053
SocorexESC-155.05050.2 - 50.203
SocorexESC-155.05101 - 100.203
SocorexESC-155.0510010 - 100101
SocorexESC-155.05201 - 2012
SocorexESC-155.03301 - 3022
SocorexESC-155.0525010 - 250101


Dosys™ Laboratory Syringe, Pistol-Grip Handle

  • Self-refilling automatic with an integrated valve system.
  • Fully autoclavable at 121°C and high chemical resistance.
  • Includes syringe, 1M silicone feed tubings, sinker, PVC protection sleeves, cannulas, spare valves, and operating instructions.
SocorexESC-173.05020.3 - 2
SocorexESC-173.05050.5 - 5
SocorexESC-173.05101 - 10
SocorexESC-173.05205 - 20
Accessories for Dosys Syringes
SocorexESC-1.187.1CVial Holder Conversion Set (without vial)
SocorexESC-370.1250Lab Canula, Blunt End 1.2x50mm
SocorexESC-370.22100Lab Canula, Blunt End, 2.2x100mm
SocorexESC-371.1250Injection Needle, Bevelled, 1.2x50mm
SocorexESC-371.16100Injection Needle, Bevelled, 1.6x100mm